Thursday, December 13, 2007

"Drinking Club with a Running Problem"

Within a few days of arriving in Uganda I joined a "drinking club with a running problem" as most people describe it. Florence is the Hash mistress, thus every Monday I go with her and Daphne to run. Generally speaking we run around 6k and then eat and drink. The people in the club are fun and outgoing and really love running.

Following the run we join together in "the circle." In this circle they welcome new comers to the club by making them chug a beer. They then spend time picking on people and making them drink for any reason such as not joining the circle, talking during the circle, or just for fun. After one has been to the club a certain amount of time they give them a Hash name. Generally the names are things such as “Bent Pussy”, “Ebola”, or “Dirty Dick.” One can imagine the crowd!!! I have yet to have been named thus retaining my dignity at this point. Also, if you have new shoes they put beer in the shoe and make you chug it. I luckily have not had that pleasure. I think I would easily throw up! Over all it is a fun lively crowd.

For those of you who know me, I am not a runner. I enjoy sports such as swimming, tennis, or rock climbing. I have never had the endurance it takes to continue running past a mile. Thus, joining this club was a big step for me. I have really enjoyed it thus far and have met a few friends through my horrible attempt at running.

Last weekend I was roped in to running a marathon; courtesy of my Hash colleagues. As cool as a marathon sounds, I chose only to run the 10k. Daphne, Noreen and I finished in a little less than an hour and a half. Pretty horrible, but it was fun. The marathon was for charity and it made it all worth it. All of the proceeds of the marathon are going to North Ugandan Refugee camps.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know that this club exists around the world. There is one of them in Lima. Usually they are sponsored/organized by the British expats, I suppose because they like to drink and run. There is probably even one in Iraq and Afghanistan, although I've yet to confirm it.