Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thankyou Mr. Boda Man

Generally speaking taking Taxi's and especially Boda's in Uganda require the skill of bartering. It goes a little like the following:

Boda/Taxi Man: “Hullo Madam, we go?”
Jessica: “ I need to go to….how much?”
Boda/Taxi Man: “4,000”
Jessica “No no, what is your lowest price?”
Boda/Taxi Man “Madam you give 3500.”
Jessica “I’ll give you 2500”
Boda/Taxi Man “3000”
Jessica “I want the non-Mazungu (white) price. I know.”
Boda/Taxi Man “But madam gas prices.”
Jessica “Gas prices haven’t gone up. I can go find another boda.”
Boda/Taxi Man “Ok Madam, we go.”

Bartering is a skill that I use daily. Generally speaking the taxi’s and boda men will stop at nothing to get me to pay higher because I am white. They assume that I have money due to this fact. The prices they quote are generally double! The other day I was taking a taxi from a place that I frequent. The taxi drivers were new to that area and had not seen me before. They quoted me a price almost double the real price. I laughed and said I have been here a while, I know the price. They laughed and said oh, so you know the real price. I guess one can’t blame them. When the average income of a Ugandan is less then $1.00 a day it is not surprising that they try and ring money any where they can. Whites are an easy target because generally we actually do have much more money than any one of these boda drivers will ever begin to imagine.

Secondly, in order to get to your destination safely you must tell the boda man to drive safely and slow down. Frequently I will make a deal on a price and then offer them more if they drive safely. They usually laugh and agree. Bodas can be dangerous due to the mass amounts of traffic and no traffic rules to boot.

Today I approached a boda man and told him where I was going. I expected him to quote me around the 3500 shillings range. I generally end up paying 2500 after bartering. He looks at me and quotes me 1000. One can imagine my shock when he quoted a lower price then what was actually fair for him. I looked at him and said, no I will give you 2000. He laughed. Granted, I believe that he didn’t know the place I was asking him to take me. He said, “Ok, madam” with a smirk on his face. I was especially surprised when I got on. I didn’t even have to ask the boda man to slow down or drive safely. He did it all by himself!!!! I couldn’t believe it; an honest safe boda man. What are the odds in Uganda?

As I descended the boda I thanked the boda man for his honesty and safety. He again laughed thinking that I was a crazy Mazungo. I could easily have accepted his original offer of 1000 shillings for the ride and got away with cheating him. Over all I had to write a blog thanking the Mr. Boda man for my likely one honest experience with a boda man.

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