Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I'm not interesting enough to be a television character

As most of you have probably noticed being that you are currently reading this, the title of this blog is, "I'm not interesting enough to be a television character." This notion dawned on me in an evening of cocktails and deep contemplation about the philosophies of life according to Jessica and Casandra. As one can imagine, not many of the philosophies made much sense. Among those philosophies involved one important conversation however, about the characters in the television series Sex and the City.

Casandra began by making the very important point that when most people compare themselves to any character in Sex and the City they usually say they are a combination of Carrie and someone else. Although Casandra was not comparable to a character in Sex in the City, she definitely fit the profile of a myriad of other television characters as do many of my friends. It then dawned on me that this was not the scenario for me. Both Casandra and I contemplated for a long while about any character I would fit. In the end we still came up with nothing. Thus, I have been in search of a title character that I can relate to. I have yet to discover it. Our evening ended on the premise that I am indeed not interesting enough to be a television character!

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