Random thoughts, expressions, and ideas generated by me!
Recently I was chatting with a friend about how things have changed and stayed the same. Many of my good friends and I met my freshman year of college, and although that is a relatively short time frame for many, it is a long time for me. Generally speaking, I would argue that most people change and come in to themselves the most between ages 18 and 25, thus the time gap we have known each other seems quite significant.
Getting back to the point, there have been a lot of great times. Casandra found a document, or whatever one would call it, describing a party that a Casandra, Bri, and I had gone to freshman year. Although we have been to plenty since, this party has sort of gone down in the books as famous. I don't know if it was because we were so young, if it was the crowd that was throwing it, or if it was purely one of the first parties we had ever attended; but it was a phenomenal party at the time. With that being said, after reading the document about our experience I find it amazing how much can be lost or forgotten if not recorded. Casandra sent me this, and there were so many things on there that I had totally forgotten about, and I remembered anew the utter excitement of attending that party. So, without further adieu I have posted the document. I hope everyone gets as much entertainment from this as I did!
Outline of Party Piracy Mayhem October 25 – 26
I. Casandra’s Horrible Lie (4: 10 am)
II. The “Yelling in the Background” phone call
III. Shopping:
A. Toys ‘R’ Us
C. Shopko
D. Closed DI
E. Pib’s exchange (costume was too expensive, but ended up less expensive than outfits: Casandra = Fashion Diva)
F. Walk back from Pibs.... “ok RUN!!!”
IV. Called Kelly (alcohol v. freeloading)
V. Drove past house and Jesse looked out the window @ our car (
VI. Called Dustin and asked about the 7 ppl who were there/costumes
VII. The Impossible Crush
VIII. Got Dressed (took forever)
IX. Goal to go to car to get boots.
X. Andrew stopped by to ask Bri out on a date.
XI. Call Dustin and find out it’s a big party
XII. Go to party and there’s this peeing guy outside...Casandra threw a fit...and a new wave acid boy who told us our costumes were underdressed.
XIII. Found Dustin, (Casandra got cherries and a coke). Darren had a mind of his own with Bri and the Beer.
XIV. Everything runs together – different stories.
XV. Casandra went outside to get Twister and Robin saw a police car go by...she said it was fine.
XVI. We all met in dance room and somebody said there was a cop. We took off through the back and tried to convince Spencer/John (aka hot blonde boy) not to drive drunk.
XVII. Bri changed in the middle of the sidewalk.
XVIII. Walked home....fought about whether to go up or down on
XIX. Ran into a bunch of guys in ties (Jessica thought they were from the party).
XX. Bri peed in the
XXI. Stole treats from Pyjama Party
XXII. Visited Kelsy and Joshua.
XXIII. Called Dustin & Alex.
XXIV. Alex and friend came to dorms (got a speeding ticket on the way).
XXV. Went back to house to get twister, sword, camera, and keys...Dustin waiting on couch with only twister.
XXVI. Sneaking through naked bodies looking for keys...look for keys at car, but get locked out of house. Call Alex, but no answer.
XXVII. Snuggle up on couch and alex calls us. Jessica doesn’t know what he said...we’ll just wait for everybody to wake up.
XXVIII. Alex took us home. (