I suppose it is time to update those few readers I have on my life as of late. In my last entry I mentioned that I had just gotten a job. I started working at Fidelity in May and it has been a roller coaster of events since. One of the requirements of the job is to get licensed. I have spent the last several months studying and taking exams. It was a bit of a challenge for me being that I have no industry experience. It was an exhausting and exhilarating experience studying and passing. Yes, I did pass both the series 7 and 63. It was interesting studying for it because I don’t think in my entire college career I ever put as much effort in to something as I did this. It was not difficult material per say but an extreme amount of learning new things. I am pleased to announce though that I did pass and am very much relieved.
Currently I am also studying for the GRE (Graduate School Examination). It has been a goal of mine for a long time to go to grad school. I fully expect this experience to also be an uphill battle but am looking forward to the challenge. I take the test in a little over a week. Depending on how I do I will either re-take the exam or begin applying for graduate school. I am looking at a few International Affairs programs in Seattle, Portland, and Boulder. I will let everyone know how this goes when I have some news.
I recently took a road trip to Boulder to visit my good pal Shirin. Boulder was a beautiful area. Even more spectacular were the things that we did and the people I met. Shirin just started law school thus I had the privilege of meeting most of her law school pals through a party that she and her roommates hosted and going camping with the same bunch of people. Along side those people I also met a few other friends from the past and was able to spend some time with them also.
Within this jumble of events my parents finally sold their house. They are in the process of moving this week to Canon City Colorado which I understand is near Pueblo. It seems my family is swiftly migrating to Colorado. I say this because my younger sister Sabrina recently moved to Grand Junction for school and my grandparents are also attempting to sale their home with the prospects of moving to Colorado also. Who knows, depending on how things go I may move to Boulder in the near future. When I say near future I mean a year or so. It will definitely be Boulder, Portland, or Seattle. Any how, these are a few of the events as of the last couple of months. I am also planning a trip to Costa Rica this upcoming December with my friend Casandra and expect there will be pictures and stories from that adventure also.