Monday, September 24, 2007

List of Acronyms and & Text Messaging Shorthand: Interesting Indeed

Recently I went to a conference in which a myriad of items were discussed involving today's teens. One of the presentations that I sat in on was "Connecting with Teenagers and Technology." I consider myself pretty knowledgeable involving technology, especially text messaging. It is a communication style that I frequently use. The presenter passed out a huge list of acronyms and shorthand for text messaging. I was shocked!!! I never knew there were so many, and I was especially surprised by what some of the short hand stood for. So, without further adieu, below is a list of some of them. I hope that everyone finds them as amusing and disturbing as I do.

2bz4uqt=too busy for you cutey
2g2b4g=too good to be forgotten
2g2bt=too good to be true
4eae=forever and ever
8=oral sex
9=parent is watching
99=parenting is no longer watching
aaf=as a friend
adbb=all done bye bye
adih=another day in hell
afdn=any fucking day now
atab=aint that a bitch
awgthtgttsa=are we going to have to go through this shit again
bsaaw=big smile and a wink
btfo=back the fuck off or bend the fuck over
dyhab=do you have a boyfriend
dyhag=do you have a girlfriend
esadyfa=eat shit and die you fucking asshole
esmf=eat shit mother fucker
f2f=face to face
fmuta=fuck me up the ass
fo=fuck off
galgal=get a load of her
gap=got a pic
gbh=great big hug
gos=gay or straight
gyhooya=get you head out of your ass
gypo=get your pants off
iliciscomk=i laughed, i cried, i spat/spit coffee/crumbs/coke on my keyboard
ipn=i'm posting naked
ish=insert sarcasm here
its=intense text sex
jeomk=just ejaculated on my keyboard

Anyhow, I think you get the point. The presenter passed out at leas 10 pages of shorthand similar to this. My question is who in the hell comes up with these? Also, how do they know what they stand for? ISH=insert sarcasm here? Why is it not I sleep here or various other things it could be? Some of them are very obvious but for those that are not who uses them and why? Also, are not some of them fairly disturbing? Anyway, there is my rant for the day.